Collection: Sculptures

The history of modern sculpture coincides with the history of other major, more abstract art movements, and similarly represents a move from capturing and depicting aspects of the physical world to a focus on representing more ethereal or psychological ideas. Becoming popular alongside art movements like abstract expressionism, cubism or surrealism, it appealed to, at the time, the more Avant Garde types, who had an appreciation for the esoteric. The mainstream appeal of abstract art only grew as the century continued, becoming more expressive and communicative.  The Communication of ideas took precedence over making something appear recognisably realistic. 

The metallic sculptures of Paris Kaye, aesthetically speaking, ride the line between a modernist sculpture and an attempt to capture physical realities, with an almost Mies Van Der Rohe philosophy of less is more, leaving out parts of the form unnecessary to delivering the point, while still maintaining a very beautiful aesthetically pleasing look. The forms are rendered mostly realistically, though with clear, intentional gaps. Stylised, yet not completely abstract in their forms, many of Kaye’s sculptures focus heavily on femininity. Some depict parts of the female form, focusing on both the sensuality and strength of women. Only the focal point is sculpted, unlike the life size neo classical sculptures that made painstaking effort to show the entire form of something. Kaye’s exquisite artistry, and mastery of sculpture is used to make an interesting and aesthetically pleasing statement. Kaye’s skills as a brilliant abstract artist are far from wasted in her wonderful work in sculpture.

Timeless appeal

Made of recycled metal, many of Kaye’s sculptures are assembled out of small, joined, metallic plates or disks, that fit together to form a finished piece, giving the artwork a uniquely crafted style. This also contributes to the modern look of the art, as it draws attention to the modern form of sculpting being applied. Also worth note is the modern value of sustainability being expressed through the beautiful repurposing of sustainable materials.

While absolutely falling under the umbrella of modern art, Kaye’s sculpture work also has a timeless quality to it. The themes and ideas Kaye explores are extremely relevant, yet timeless. The iconography present, such as faces or wings, as well as the focus on the female form, are, and shall remain timeless. These sculptures truly have no shelf life. They’re relevant, beautiful, and interesting today, and they’ll be just as relevant, beautiful, and interesting in a decade. 

Look online, or in person at Paris Kaye Gallery for Paris Kaye’s modern art sculptures for sale and find a piece you connect with.

Find a piece for your home, that will really make a statement, or one that fits well with your overall current or desired style of decor. Whether you’re looking for interesting themes or gorgeous aesthetics, or both, the work of Paris Kaye is sure to satisfy. Visit Paris Kaye Gallery.

Get immersed in the wonders of modern sculpture.